Section Number Three

This page was last updated on 03/20/01.

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Game Mechanics

The game is broken down into turns.  Each turn is made up of several phases.  The players partake in each phase as required.

Turn Phases Explained

Each turn is broken into several phases.  The players are given a specific amount of time to complete each phase.  Once the time period for a given phase has expired, the game will proceed on with no exceptions.  The turn phases are as follows;

  1. Trial
  2. Trial Evaluation
  3. Camp Meeting
  4. Elimination

Game Turn Times

There will be two turns per week.  The phase times will go as follows;

Monday Noon Moderator for each camp posts the details of the current trial.
Players are to then complete the latest Trial.
Tuesday Noon Trial closes.  If a player is not done by this point, they will never be done.
Wednesday Noon The results of the last trial are posted.  Those camps that have to eliminate one of their members are informed.
Thursday Noon The Elimination Vote commences.  This is a secret ballet.  Ever camper must participate.
Friday Noon Voting is closed.
  8:00pm Voting results are posted.
Saturday Noon Departing words of those eliminated are posted.
Sunday All Day Free time.  Relax, unwind.  Debrief.

During the voting, the message camp (message forum) will be closed.  Nobody will be able to post messages at that time.

The Trials

Each trial will be different.  Each camp’s moderator will detail all rules that apply to any given trial.  Any questions about a trial should be directed to the moderator.  The only rule that applies to all trials is that participation is mandatory