Section Number Four

This page was last updated on 03/20/01.

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What Can Prevent You From Playing

There are some things to consider when filling out your application to become a player.  Certain things will ensure that your application is not even looked at.  Those are as follows;

You will not be consider for play if…

  1. You choose any profanity as your handle.
  2. You include any racial slur/slander in your application
  3. Your handle, when read out loud, is profane or in poor taste.

A real, live human being will read each application.  That means that if it looks offensive to the person reading, you will not be considered for the game.

 What Can Get You Thrown Out

As you can imagine there are some things that will get you thrown out of the game, without warning.  They are as follows;

You will get booted from the game if…

  1. You use the forum for the spreading of hate material
  2. You use malicious, racial slurs
  3. You attempt to circumvent the profanity filter built into the message forums.
  4. You fail to do a challenge
  5. You fail to vote when it is required of you
  6. You attempt to contact another player outside the context of the game.
  7. If it is found out that you have not been truthful in your application

In short, racism will not be tolerated and you MUST play the game to win.

 What Doe It Mean To Be Thrown Out Of The Game?

If you are removed from the game for any reason other than being voted out, you will forfeit any claim you may have to a prize.  Also, you will not be allowed to post your parting words to the world.  You will be banned from playing any games hosted by Greg’s Outdoor Page in the future.

 What Is The Prize?

The prize will be announced at the start of the game.

Legal Stuff

All players must be 18 years of age or older.  Greg’s Outdoor Page is not responsible for any damage caused by this game, either implied or implicit.  Completion of an application denotes that the player has read this document and fully agrees with it.  Greg’s Outdoor Page reserves the right to terminate the game at any time, and without notice.  Greg’s Outdoor Page reserves the right to refuse anybody the privilege of playing, or to remove any player from the game for any reason.