Mark Hammars Favorite Knots

This page was last updated on 03/14/01.

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The best know knot is the Reef Knot (right over left and under, left over right and through). Although this is quoted as a knot to tie together two ropes of equal thickness it is not the best knot for this purpose. It is however a good knot for tying the ends of a rope used to fasten a package since it is easily removed as well ad tied.
The Sheet Bend is commonly used to tie ropes of unequal thickness, although I have found that this works better with old hemp rope than with the new nylon ropes which are commonly available. It is a decent knot but I prefer the fisherman’s knot for joining ropes.
Useful for joining two ropes of any thickness (within reason) the Fisherman’s Knot is my favourite for this purpose. It is easily tied (tie an overhand loop with the end of each rope around the other rope) and holds well, tightening itself as it is pulled.  The only real downfall of this knot is that it is not so easily removed from the ropes. Oh well, Kay Sera Sera.
The other knot worth knowing is the Bowline (form a circle in the rope a distance from the end which will make the required loop. With the end of the rope go up through the circle, around the remaining rope, and come back through the circle). This will form a large loop which will not slip into itself and crush what you are pulling. This is a good knot for rescue as it will not close around the body of the person being rescued.